I am committed to creating services, courses, and content that strives for equality, respect and the recognition that each of us has an important role to play in the world. As such I take steps daily to evaluate the roles of systematic injustice in myself and take steps to address it in my life, business, and social spheres. This manifests in many forms, from taking courses to educate myself on systems of power and oppression, to working in collaboration with K.I.A.R. to provide monetary support to artists in India, to donating regularly to Southern Poverty Law, Planned Parenthood, and many other organizations working toward a more equitable future.


I am not perfect in any of my efforts and will always do my best to stand in the powerful concept that each choice and action I make has the power to up-hold or dismantle that which I wish to support or challenge in the world and myself.


If you are reading this statement in the hopes of finding out that I have scholarships or sliding scale for the differently abled, BIPOC, economically in need or anyone identifying as desiring my services but unable to make the suggested exchange: you are correct, I do. Most scholarship opportunities are handled through my mailing list. If you aren’t already on it, get a freebie for submitting your info here and watch for emails letting you know when sign ups re-open for full scholarship, pay-what-you-can, or trade sessions become available (usually these happen once a month). You will also note MANY pay what you can and no-questions asked discount codes on a number of the courses and sessions I facilitate. For now you can use the code AVAILABLE15 with no questions asked if you identifying as needing a discount for 1:1 services to receive 15% off.